Assalamualaikum anak-anak. Materi kali ini adalah mengenal tempat-tempat umum yang ada di sekitar kita. Selamat belajar. Wassalam wr wb.
1. Hospital : a Place where sick people go to get treatment.
2. Market : a Place where people go to buy thing.
3. ZOO : a place where people go to see animals
4. Bank : a Place where people go to save and withdrow their money.
5. Court : a Place a defendent is trialed.
6. Jail : a Place Criminal are put.
7. Library : a place where people go to read books and magazines.
8. Beach : a Place where go to picnic.
9. Park : a place where people go to walk, play, and relax
10. Airport : a place where planes land and take-off.
11. swimming pool : a place to swim
12. Bookstore : a place to buy books
13. restaurant : a place to eat meals
14. Post office : a place to send letter.
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